Saturday, October 19, 2019

Critically review an assessment process of your choice and determine Essay

Critically review an assessment process of your choice and determine whether or not it is fit for purpose - Essay Example .................................................. 5 b.1 Question ............................................................ 7 b.2 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions ................................ 8 c. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Short Answer Question Technique in terms of assessing the Students’ Knowledge in Nursing and Medical Education ................. 10 c.1 Advantages ........................................................ 10 c.2 Disadvantages ................................................... 11 d. Comparison between Short Answer Questions and the Different Educational Assessment Techniques used in Nursing and Medicine Courses ......................................... 12 d.1 Multiple Choice Exams vs. Short Answer Questions .................................... 12 d.2 Essay Exam vs. Short Answer Questions ........... 13 e. Strategic Ways on How Assessment Using Short Answer Questions can be Measured ............................................. 14 III. Conclusion and Recommendations ................................................. 17 Appendix I – Summary of Cognitive, Affective, and Psycomotor Domain . 18 References ............................................................................................. 19 – 22 Chapter I – Introduction Educators are highly accountable for the quality of education they provide to the students (Oermann and Gaberson, 2009, p. 3). In measuring the learning outcome of the students, educators should carefully select the most appropriate and effective assessment technique to improve the teaching and learning process between the educators and the students. Based on the assessment results, educators will have a basis on how they can modify the course curriculum for nursing- and medicine-related subjects (Oermann and Gaberson, 2009, p. 4). For several years, I teach cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), advanced life support (ALS), immunizations and vaccinations, and nurse prescribing in one of the local universities in UK. With regards to unfair student evaluation, educators should be aware that each type of assessment method has its limitations in terms of assessing the students’ overall learning outcome (McDonald, 2002, pp. 4 – 5). As part of teaching nursing- and medicine-related subjects, this study will briefly discuss the importance of educational assessment. After going through the different educational assessment techniques used in nursing and medicine courses, ways on how assessment can be measured will be tackled in details followed by determining whether or not the use of short answer questions is a suitable method to assess or examine the learning outcome of nursing and medical students. Aside from describing short answer questions and the assessment process of short answer questions from an objective point-of-view, the advantages and disadvantages of using short answer question technique in terms of assessing the students’ knowledge i n nursing and medical education will be identified, analyzed and interpreted based on the past and current research studies that were conducted on this matter. Based on the secondary research findings, the final stage of this study will conclude whether the use of short answer questions is considered an effective tool in measuring the students’ knowledge. Chapter II – Literature Review Importance of Educational Assessment Educational assessment or diagnostic testing aims at gathering information concerning the learning outcomes of the students. In line with this, educational asses

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