Thursday, November 7, 2019

Childrens Literature Test 2 Essay Example

Childrens Literature Test 2 Essay Example Childrens Literature Test 2 Paper Childrens Literature Test 2 Paper Essay Topic: Literature What distinguishes picture books from other types of books? The pictures tell just as much story as the words do. Role of illustrations in childrens literature stimulate sensitivity to art and beauty join the text in telling the story rather than the text standing alone What are the criteria for evaluating picture books? text and illustrations should complement each other; should be brief and straight forward; contain few concepts and none beyond comprehension; written in direct and simple style and have illustrations that complement the text Mother Goose serves as an excellent introduction to verse for very young children because They stimulate language development as well as auditory discrimination and listening skills; rhythm, rhyme, repetition of sounds, humor, exaggeration; teach lessons and morals Like Mother Goose rhymes, which were among the first books published for children? Not sure yet- maybe toy books, or concept books In alphabet books specifically designed to teach young children the letters and their sounds, what is particularly important? Have universal terms, things that are most known by one name like apple when learning A, instead of bunny or rabbit when learning B analyzing alphabet books Objects should be easy for children to identify and should not have more than one commonly used name analyzing counting books for preschoolers used to develop one-to-one correspondence and ability to count sequentially from one through ten Concept books are excellent sources of materials for stimulating childrens faster understanding of abstract ideas; help young children learn basic concepts (colors and shapers) In which of the types of picture books do the illustrations tell the whole story? Wordless value of wordless picture books encourage children to develop observational skills, descriptive vocabularies and abilities to create stories criteria to be considered when choosing wordless picture books excellent way of developing oral and written language skills; stimulate creative thinking and enhance visual literacy abilities; allow children from different backgrounds and reading levels to enjoy the same book Considering the attention span of young children, how should plots be developed for picture Storybooks? open with leads (to grab attention), figurative language, make a long story short, repetition of sentences or phrases, understatement (allow readers to make connections instead of the author saying it straight out.) In general, why were traditional literature stories told? To help children understand the rich oral heritage handed down from cultures around the world. characteristics of traditional literature? concentrated action, stock characters, patterned language, elements of fantasy, simple themes of good vs. evil weak overcoming the strong Why are cumulative tales, which sequentially repeat actions, characters, or speeches until a climax is reached, appealing to young children? easy to remember and recite; plots are simple, predictable, and direct with lots of action. The type of folktale that explains why an animal has certain characteristics or why people have certain customs is a pourquoi (why) tale What characterizes fables? Brief tales in which personified animals characters indicate a moral lesson What characterizes myths? Considered truthful by the society in which they are told, happened in the remote past, often associated with theology and ritual Folktales provide an excellent source for making discoveries about people living in earlier times because folktales it shows the theme if universal truths that reflect the values of the times/societies values of traditional literature for children? helps children understand the personal dimension and standards of behavior of a culture and reduces stereotypes; provides children with a framework for the literature, drama, and art they will later encounter; provides entertainment and pleasure; provides strong rhythm, rhyme, and repetition of patterns. A motif in literature is any recurring element that has symbolic significance in a story The majority of French folktales portrays splendid royal castles rather than humble peasant cottages which types of folktales are dragons, tigers, and cranes recurring elements? Asian Folk tales. (respect ancestors, ethical standards, conflict between nobility and commoners, faithfulness and kindness are rewarded, dragons, tigers, cranes are recurring elements.) What distinguishes legends from myths? Legends: more secular narratives, regarded as true in the society in which they are told, embroider the historical facts of human achievement. Myths: Considered truthful by the society in which they are told, happened in the remote past, often associated with theology and ritual. willing suspension of disbelief in reading fantasy refers to It refers to the readers agreement to accept the impossible and accept the magic as real theme of modern fantasy? Themes of modern fantasy: the importance of personal and social responsibility, battle between good and evil, power of love and friendship. Which author is best known for religious allegories? CS Lewis assonance repetition of vowel sounds onomatopoeia words that sound like the sounds they make alliteration repetition of consonant sounds hyperbole Exaggeration not usually meant to be taken literally What refers to words that imitate the actions or sound with which they are associated? onomatopoeia Word division, line division, punctuation, and capitalization make up the poetic element called shape From The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler is? E. L. Konigsburg Tuck Everlasting? Natalie Babbitt Bridge to Terabithia? Katherine Patterson What is the most likely reason that so many folktales, even folktales of different origins, have the same types of themes and recurring actions? values, morals What theme best characterizes mythical quests and conflicts? Modern Fantasy

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