Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay on Juvenile Incarceration - 731 Words

Running head: FINAL PROJECT: JUVENILE INCARCERATION Final Project: Juvenile Incarceration Roshon Green, Jessica Mays, Karen McCord University of Phoenix Final Project: Juvenile Incarceration Statement of Problem The purpose of the juvenile incarceration project is to gain insights into whether or not parental incarceration is related to juvenile incarceration. The research problem is the loss is the cost of incarceration to the state or society. Incarceration is expensive with costs to society for the crimes committed and the resulting confinement of the convicted offenders. This research hopes to diminish this problem by determining a correlation between juvenile offenders and whether or not their parents were previously or†¦show more content†¦The survey included two questions: †¢ Are one or both of your parents incarcerated? ï  ¯Yes ï  ¯ No †¢ What is your gender? Check one: ï  ¯ Male ï  ¯ Female ï‚ ® Primary research Data Collection The data for this project was collected by administering an anonymous survey to incarcerated juveniles at (name of facility), the (name) receiving center and at the NAACP office in Sacramento, California. The survey asked for gender and parental status (incarcerated versus not incarcerated). Participants were given a paper survey and a pencil to complete the survey. See Appendix for a copy of the survey. Limitations This study was limited to juveniles who are protected under the law. This research team was required to sign a waiver that the participants would never be identified. Another limitation to the study is the fact that the juveniles might not be aware of the previous incarceration status of their parents. Statistical Methods Chi square(1 page explaining percentages) Based on the ##, the implication is †¦ Define the assumptions Define the methods Describe what the test does Results There were a total of 41 surveys completed. Thirty one were completed at the juvenile jail (name of facility) and 9 more completed either at the (name) receiving center or at the NAACP office. The initial 32 participants incarcerated either had a pending court date or were already convicted. The other 9 participants had beenShow MoreRelatedThe High Incarceration Rate Of Juveniles1748 Words   |  7 PagesThe high incarceration rate of juveniles is a significant social problem that affects society as a whole as well as the youth’s individual welfare and developmental trajectory. Adolescents who are incarcerated in the juvenile justice system face a multitude of negative lifelong implications. 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