Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Gilded Age And The Age Of Information - 1422 Words

The term the â€Å"Gilded Age† was coined by Mark Twain. â€Å"By this, he meant that the period was glittering on the surface but corrupt underneath.† With its period of extreme economic growth, there was tremendous wealth, but only for the wealthy. The â€Å"Second Gilded Age,† which some say was brought on as the Information Age, brings a level of inequality to America that has never been seen before. Experts believe that this shift could kill the American dream. The Gilded Age and the Age of Information are similar in terms of the vast economic inequality prevalent, the issues arising with immigration (both reform and influx), and the disparity between the political parties. Vast economic inequality prevalent â€Å"The United States income inequality has risen drastically since the 1970’s and has not been this high since 1928.† Economic inequality is the unequal differences in how assets, wealth, and income are dispersed among the people and different populations throughout the United States. It is often described as the gap between the rich and the poor. Wealthy industrialists and financiers such as John D. Rockefeller, founder of the Standard Oil Company; Andrew Carnegie, the self-made steel tycoon and philanthropist; Cornelius Vanderbilt, known for developing the inland water trade and rapidly growing railroad industry after building the New York Central Railroad; and Jay Gould, a developer of the railroads, were labeled as â€Å"robber barons,† meaning an American capitalist who becameShow MoreRelatedThe Gilded Age : An Era Of Extreme Corruption1169 Words   |  5 PagesWar, America enters the Gilded Age from 1877 till about the 1890’s. 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