Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Low Income Families High Income - 774 Words

Low Income Families According to Tough (2016), â€Å"In 2013, for the first time, a majority of public-school students in this country -51 percent, to be precise- fell below the federal government’s low income cutoff, meaning they were eligible for a free or subsidized school lunch† (pg. 58). Children whom come from low income families are more than likely to struggle in school. They may or may not come from single family homes. As well as they may have both parents at home, but their parents may not be able to be active in their education. They may not have a way to participate in school activities, or attend conferences. Low income families steam from uneducated parents. Some of these families have parents that did not finish school, or they struggled in school. These parents tend to be less active in their child’s education because they do not understand the work themselves. Some of them skip out on parent teacher conferences because they do not want to feel t hreaten. They feel that they may not understand what the teacher is talking about, and do not want to feel uneducated. According to Zachrisson and Dearing (2015), â€Å"Low family income heightens the risk of stress in the home environment, resulting in heightened levels of conflict, parenting strain, and chaos† (pg. 425). These types of homes make the children feel uncomfortable, and they feel as if they do not have any support from home. These students come home from school to homes that are divided, and feel as if theyShow MoreRelatedFamily Structure Changes And Child Behavior Problems Essay1444 Words   |  6 Pagescommon misconception is that children who grow up in low income families end up being more susceptible to experience behavioral problems as they get older, in contrast to that of high income families which generally speaking, people believe children are better off. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay on Juvenile Incarceration - 731 Words

Running head: FINAL PROJECT: JUVENILE INCARCERATION Final Project: Juvenile Incarceration Roshon Green, Jessica Mays, Karen McCord University of Phoenix Final Project: Juvenile Incarceration Statement of Problem The purpose of the juvenile incarceration project is to gain insights into whether or not parental incarceration is related to juvenile incarceration. The research problem is the loss is the cost of incarceration to the state or society. Incarceration is expensive with costs to society for the crimes committed and the resulting confinement of the convicted offenders. This research hopes to diminish this problem by determining a correlation between juvenile offenders and whether or not their parents were previously or†¦show more content†¦The survey included two questions: †¢ Are one or both of your parents incarcerated? ï  ¯Yes ï  ¯ No †¢ What is your gender? Check one: ï  ¯ Male ï  ¯ Female ï‚ ® Primary research Data Collection The data for this project was collected by administering an anonymous survey to incarcerated juveniles at (name of facility), the (name) receiving center and at the NAACP office in Sacramento, California. The survey asked for gender and parental status (incarcerated versus not incarcerated). Participants were given a paper survey and a pencil to complete the survey. See Appendix for a copy of the survey. Limitations This study was limited to juveniles who are protected under the law. This research team was required to sign a waiver that the participants would never be identified. Another limitation to the study is the fact that the juveniles might not be aware of the previous incarceration status of their parents. Statistical Methods Chi square(1 page explaining percentages) Based on the ##, the implication is †¦ Define the assumptions Define the methods Describe what the test does Results There were a total of 41 surveys completed. Thirty one were completed at the juvenile jail (name of facility) and 9 more completed either at the (name) receiving center or at the NAACP office. The initial 32 participants incarcerated either had a pending court date or were already convicted. The other 9 participants had beenShow MoreRelatedThe High Incarceration Rate Of Juveniles1748 Words   |  7 PagesThe high incarceration rate of juveniles is a significant social problem that affects society as a whole as well as the youth’s individual welfare and developmental trajectory. Adolescents who are incarcerated in the juvenile justice system face a multitude of negative lifelong implications. The history of incarcerating youth in residential facilities such as juvenile halls, camps, ranches or group homes as a consequence for committing crimes has a deep-rooted history in the United States. â€Å"For moreRead MoreMandatory Incarceration For Chronic Juvenile Offenders1355 Word s   |  6 PagesIn researching materials of mandatory incarceration for chronic juvenile offenders, I had to define ‘What is a chronic juvenile offender?’ It is a young individual who are chronic reoffenders that is arrested on average two years earlier than juvenile offender (age usually 11 or younger). â€Å"The threshold in chronic offending for number of arrests is five. Therefore, youth arrested for the sixth time are extremely likely to later become young chronic offenders. So the use of arrests seems to be moreRead MoreThe Effects Of Incarceration On The Social Of African American Juveniles1487 Words   |  6 PagesDisciplinary changes applied to the juvenile justice system in addition to negative impressions of juvenile males have caused juvenile male incarceration rates to surge. African American male juveniles encounter racial differences in society everyday due to view that media portrays them to be. Racial bias amongst these juvenile African American m ales is the principal cause of their incarceration rates climbing higher each year. The lives of these juveniles are seriously altered after being incarceratedRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency Is The Highest Rate Of Incarceration Rates Among African American Males1339 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The United States has the highest rate of incarceration in the world, this country is known to have the greatest number of people go to jail yearly than any other state shown in records. Chicago, Illinois is known to be the city that never sleeps, the city that encompasses the highest rates of homicides, drug smuggling and highest incarceration rates among African American males. Delinquency is a social term in society often used to describe individuals who have been involved in criminalRead MoreJuvenile Incarceration Is A Secure Prison For Minors Under The Age Of Eighteen999 Words   |  4 PagesJuvenile detention facilities are a secure jail or prison for minors under the age of eighteen. Delinquents are sent there to await a trial or sent there for long-term care facilities and programs. Juveniles go through a separate court system than adults, which is the juvenile court. There are many different pathways for juveniles to take once processed in the juvenile court. the appearance in court and secure confinement implies that a juvenile has been committed. Other kinds of facilities are groupRead MoreParent Incarceration And Juvenile Delinquency2320 Words   |  10 Pages Parent Incarceration and Juvenile Delinquency Jeury Nunez Reyes John Jay College of Criminal Justice April 1st, 2016 Abstract Since the late 1900’s incarceration rates have been rising constantly. Incarceration impacts other individuals that aren’t behind bars locked up in a cell. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1.5 million minors deal with parental incarceration every year (Harrison Beck, 2006).This project will investigate/ observe the effects of parental incarcerationRead MoreEffectiveness of Juvenile Incarceration1357 Words   |  6 PagesLacrisha Lewis Patrick Anyanetu Eng.120 11/18/10 Research Paper â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard To Find† by Flannery O’Connor who is a Southern American novelist and short story writer, O’ Connor’s career expanded in the 1950sand early 60s, a time when the South was dominated by Protestant Christians.O’Connor was born and raised a Catholic. She was a fundamentalist and aChristian moralist whose powerful apocalyptic fiction is focused in the South.Flannery O’Connor was born March 25, 1925 in SavannahRead MoreThe Alarming Rate Of Juvenile Incarceration Essay1761 Words   |  8 PagesI’m writing to you, as a concerned citizen of the United States, about the alarming rate of juvenile incarceration in the United States and the problems associated with these rates. Many young children, especially those living below the poverty line or in poverty, notably Black and Hispanic children are more likely to commit crimes than those living in the middle class or upper class and who are White. It’s simple; chil dren with a lower social economic status are more likely to find themselves committingRead MoreJuvenile Rehabilitation: Adult Prison vs. Juvenile Incarceration1703 Words   |  7 PagesJuvenile Rehabilitation: Adult Prisons vs. Juvenile Incarceration Maureen Fries-Labra English 122 Anna Hopson December 14, 2009 Juvenile Rehabilitation: Adult Prisons vs. Juvenile Incarceration The criminal justice system has a branch for juvenile offenders. Established in the early twentieth century; it is the responsibility of this division to decide the fates of youthful offenders. This is administered by family court with support of social workers and family. With the increased numberRead MoreIncarceration of Men, Women, and Juveniles Essay829 Words   |  4 PagesIncarceration of Men, Women, and Juveniles Prison populations have been on the raise since the early 1970s. Today we incarcerate over 2 million men, women and juveniles in the various correctional facilities around the country. These facilities can range from local jails or detention facilities to the new so called Supermax prisons. Conditions can also vary across the spectrum for these different correctional institutions. Each type of inmate has his or her own challenges when

Monday, December 9, 2019

Solar Space Heating V/S National Group Selection

Questions: Using examples provided, post a paragraph explaining why the page design for each example is effective or ineffective. Make specific comments as to why the design is effective and specific suggestions for improvement. Example 1 A Sunspaces Either as an addition to a home or as an integral part of a new home, sunspaces have gained considerable popularity. How Sunspaces Work A sunspace should face within 30 degrees of true south. In the winter, sunlight passes through the windows and warms the darkened surface of a concrete floor, brick wall, water-filled drums, or other storage mass. The concrete, brick, or water absorbs and stores some of the heat until after sunset, when the indoor temperature begins to cool. The heat not absorbed by the storage elements can raise the daytime air temperature inside the sunspace to as high as 100 degrees Fahrenheit. As long as the sun shines, this heat can be circulated into the house by natural air currents or drawn in by a low-horsepower fan. The Parts of a Sunspace To be considered a passive solar heating system, any sunspace must consist of these parts: 1. A collector, such as a double layer of glass or plastic. 2. An absorber, usually the darkened surface of the wall, floor, or water-filled containers inside the sunspace. 3. A storage mass, normally concrete, brick, or water, which retains heat after it has been absorbed. 4. A distribution system, the means of getting the heat into and around the house (by fans or natural air currents). 5. A control system (or heat-regulating device), such as movable insulation, to prevent heat loss from the sunspace at night. Other controls include roof overhangs that block the summer sun and thermostats that activate fans. Example 2 A 2653.31 Native group selections. (a) Selections must not exceed the amount recommended by the regional corporation or 320 acres for each Native member of a group, or 7,680 acres for each Native group, whichever is less. Native groups must identify any acreage over that as alternate selections and rank their selections. Beyond the reservations in sections 2650.32 and 2650.46 of this Part, conveyances of lands in a National Wildlife Refuge are subject to the provisions of section 22(g) of ANCSA and section 2651.41 of this chapter as though they were conveyances to a village corporation. (b) Selections must be contiguous and the total area selected must be compact except where separated by lands that are unavailable for selection. BLM will not consider the selection compact if it excludes lands available for selection within its exterior boundaries; or an isolated tract of public land of less than 640 acres remains after selection. The lands selected must be in quarter sections where t hey are available unless exhaustion of the groups entitlementdoes not allow the selection of a quarter section. The selection must include all available lands in less than quarter sections. Lands selected must conform as nearly as practicable to the United States lands survey system. You going to compare bouth examples 1 (a), b)), example 2 (a), b)) Answers: Example1: Sunspaces The solar system is A) the solar space heating system is the system that runs alongside of your conventional energy system but it is a really effective to way to reduce billing cost. It does reduce the oil and other energy source consumption as well. The existing system works as evacuated solar tube collectors, and it does provide free energy to entire home using the system. The solar heating system is attached to solar ready ultra-DC converter system. The second topic is to describe as paper design methods and provided information management into sections. This is to maintain the design of page while giving information through and what are the ingredients should be added to it. There are two kinds of solar space heating system as passive and active or it can be a combination of both. B) Passive system tries to warm home by using design features like south face window, and material of floors and walls. Active system consists of collectors, which absorb heat from sun and with help of electric pumps to transfer or distribute heat to home appliances. The solar heating system is comprised of five major components collector, absorber, and base station material and important is control system. It is a circulate system that heats through solar storage tank. The storage has the capacity to rise from 135 F to 175 F. The above discussed topics are on different genre and have different specifications. But some common points are that family or people are affected in both cases. The solar system heating should be applied in most families so that energy consumption could be reduced and cost of bills would as well. Example 2 A: The advertise writing should be in form that information is point to point. There are two kinds of sections could be applied 2653.31 states that there could be more than 320 acres sections involved or recommended by regional corporation. The native members of group must not exceed more than 7,680 acres. The restriction is on selection of public land not more than 640 acres. The national wildlife refuge has also made criteria of selection. Section 2653.34 has included some specifications like how much parcel could be selected and the selection must include all available small quarter lands. The writing methods should include important highlighted points of discussion. The page design should include specific information involved in article and major solutions should be included as above. In other hand section 2653.32 and what are restrictions to native groups. It should be related to one topic in each paragraph. B) There is slight comparison in implementation of heating methods to be applied. The land selection process should follow United States land survey system. The process of selection is distributed in terms of different described section in paper. The second informative article is written in more effective way. The article is divided into majorly four sections but sometimes more sections would confuse one. The limit of paragraphing should be decided before and sometimes it is more helpful to provide information in heading. References: Solar Space Heating, Solar panels plus accessed from Writing user friendly articles, accessed from Writing user friendly documents, accessed from Writing User-Friendly Documents, U.S. Department of transportation accessed from

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Effectiveness of Alcohol Marketing, Regulation and How It Is Can Protect the Consumer from Fake Products

Introduction This paper discusses the effectiveness of alcohol marketing regulation, and how it can protect the consumer from fake products. This topic draws inspiration from recent events. A twenty one year old student, almost went blind due to the consumption of fake vodka.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Effectiveness of Alcohol Marketing, Regulation and How It Is Can Protect the Consumer from Fake Products specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The vodka consumed was sold to him at a club. This essay seeks to establish how such cases, can be prevented through regulations. To accomplish this, product quality control regulations and marketing regulations must be discussed. The cause of the event is market failure, caused by poor dissemination of information. The popular way of disseminating information to the market is through marketing (Collins et al 2004). Discussion The other instance during which the governme nt may engage regulation, is when the goods produced to cater for the lower income earning market segment, are of questionable quality. The quality of health care, for example, should not differ depending on one’s financial capability. The foodstuffs and any consumable products, must be of satisfactory quality to prevent the outbreak of diseases and epidemics among the citizens. In this case, the government has the duty to ensure that its citizens get quality products by setting benchmarks on the quality of products sold in the market place. These regulations affect the market forces by placing restrictions on the price (Estevao 2005). Generally, the quality of goods and services is directly related to the price. An increase in the quality of a product or service, increases the cost of production. The producer then passes the incremental costs to the consumer, in order to make a profit. Consequently, the quality of a product increases commensurate to the price set on the prod uct. There are specific authorities in each country, in charge of setting the quality standards for the products at the market place, as well as ensuring that the restrictions set by the government are obeyed.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The institution has the mandate to inspect places of work, and production factories, carry out surveys of goods in the market, test and approve the products in the market, and to persecute those found to be in breach of the set regulations (U.S Preventive Services Task Force 2005; Gunther 1980). On a macro-economic level, restrictions affect production of goods and services by existing producing companies. The regulations go deeper to affect the rate of growth in productivity, by affecting the motivation for innovation, consequently interfering with the rate at which new goods and services replace the old (Kaplan 1980). The market failur e due to poor dissemination of information, is clearly evident in the case study. A young student went out to have fun in a club. At the age of twenty one, the student is beyond the legal age limit for alcohol consumers. This means that, this was not the first time drinking, and the student had a favorite brand of vodka. Therefore, there are the following assumptions drawn up from this case: The bar tender may not have been aware that the vodka was fake. The bar tender and student were not aware that there were fake vodka products in the market. The quality control authority was aware but did not disseminate the information. The quality control authority was not aware and did not conduct their regular inspections. According to the story, the fake vodka was in a Smirnoff bottle, and earlier that day, the quality inspector checked the inventory on the counter and found that it was all genuine. The unsuspecting student purchased the vodka and took a third of it. She remained in bed f or a period of two days. The quality regulator cannot say that he had no news of the counterfeit vodka. The story further explains that Sarah’s case was not the first that the hospital casualty section had treated. These events cast doubt on the accountability of the quality control regulator and calls for the development of a marketing regulator. The case was well investigated and the bar tender was charged a fine (Jarvis 1992; Howells Weatherill 2005). Based on the above assumptions, one cannot ignore the importance of having a strong and active regulator. The regulating body must have five qualities for it to work well. The first is that it must have the backing from a legislative authority.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Effectiveness of Alcohol Marketing, Regulation and How It Is Can Protect the Consumer from Fake Products specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This means that the regulator should ha ve support from organizations that have legislative authority. The authority is formed through an act of parliament. In this case, the vodka incident ought to unify the people so that they develop the marketing regulator and the quality regulator, through an act of parliament. However, if these regulators exist, they ought to have an audit done, in order to establish whether they are performing their legislative mandate. In this case, it is likely that the regulator failed to fulfill its legislative mandate. It is thus not in a position to request for public support. The regulator has statutes that limit their powers to exercise judgment and produce solutions The accountability of the regulators must be proficient. However, the regulators are under the act of parliament, and in most cases, they have been found unaccountable. This is because the regulator is accountable to the parliamentarians, who are the same people who control it. If indeed there was a regulator well aware of the fake vodka, it is possible that they hid the information intentionally, so as to protect the interests of a member of the democratic institutions that control it. The value of accountability is remarkably clear (Wasik 1995). The due process receives public merit, when it is transparent, fair, open to all, and easily accessible. In the development of a marketing regulator, the public must ensure that the due process followed has the traits above (Wolfe Laurie 2004). Regulators require expert advice and knowledge before passing a verdict. A balanced decision based on sound knowledge of the situations, will aid in evaluating the best course of action. The case at hand, requires research into the contents of the drink and the possible effects of consuming the fake vodka. The regulator also requires marketing experts, who develop the best methods of informing the public about the difference between the original vodka and the fake vodka.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The quality regulator could require services of expert investigators, who will track down the manufacturers of this counterfeit vodka and other products in the market. The regulator must use the fewest resources possible to achieve the best results. The efficiency of the regulator to perform, is directly related to factors such as the legislative mandate and accountability (Schiantarelli 2005). There is a variety of regulations to choose from, and the first one is self-regulation. This happens when individuals or organizations, which have a common interest, come together to form a body, which is charged with a mandate to control the members. This is witnessed among professional bodies and sports associations. An outstanding example is FIFA. Self-regulation overcomes various challenges encountered in governmental regulation. The regulator enjoys more autonomy and has clear accountability about how it works. The regulator does not hold any immunity to consequences, resulting from not performing its legislative mandate. Self-regulators have a vast pool of experts in their area of relevance. This does well in the performance of its mandate. The participating bodies may agree that each, shall provide experts to work in the regulator, hence securing professionalism. The effect of all the afore mentioned positive aspects of self-regulators, is better than that of the government regulator. In the case at hand, the club owners and bar owners can team up with the alcohol distributors, to form a self-regulator. The purpose of the regulator will involve the regulation of alcohol quality in the clubs and bars. The regulator will be accountable to the participating parties, since it’s there to protect their interests. The organization has a pool of experts to select regulators. This makes the body exceptionally competent and efficient in performing its duty. The efficiency of the regulator will obviously depend on various factors. The main one is the legislative mand ate. The proper mandate gives the regulator power to perform its duties. The aggrieved parties in the case study have another option. They may choose to form enforced self-regulation or Meta regulation. Enforced regulation, involves the subcontracting of the regulator duties to organizations that already have a regulator. The subcontracted duties include making the rules, punishment and correction of those in breach, and keeping watch on compliance. This type of arrangement would do well for the community. The members of the society can join to form a regulator. The main purpose of this regulator is to regularly check on the quality of the consumer products in the market. The duties that the regulator can subcontract include punishing those in breach and research and testing services. This form of regulation by the community is instrumental in preventing the occurrence of adverse incidents. Even though the community regulator is established, the government regulator, despite the sho rtcomings, is still helpful to its citizens. To achieve the best possible results from regulators, organizations must concoct a delicate mix of the institutions and the tools used in regulation. The organizations should identify their tools and then organize them in order of importance or urgency for use. This is called sequencing of instruments. The extraction of the instruments for application ranges from the least effective to the most effective depending on the difficulty of a situation. Complex forms of regulators come up from time to time. There are no rules that prevent the combination of several regulators to create an effect called a network. In fact, the regulatory body for the bars and clubs association, can combine with the community regulator. The two bodies have similar interests and can consequently easily merge into a network. The benefit of this form of the union is evident in the efficiency with which regulation is done. The organizations together, cover a wide ran ge of issues, particularly, market controls and the quality control, for ensuring accountability to the organizations that formed it. In some cases, the self-regulators join hands with the government regulators (Previts 2007; Sherman 2008). The regulators have various qualities. Good market regulation has the following criteria: Backing and support from a legislative body. Good accountability framework. Open, fair and accessible procedures of operation. Experts and professional regulators. Importance and purpose for the regulation. The above criteria, are paramount in setting the benchmarks for a relevant and functional regulator. The regulator must have a means of measuring the quality of regulation, and producing regulatory improvement strategies, bodies and tools (Barrett Herbert 1994). Conclusion The forces of demand and supply, play a vital role in shaping the operations of the market place. The demand for a commodity, determines the eventual production, facilitating pricing choice by the market, and ultimately, passing a strong verdict on the longevity of the products’ demand in the market. In the course of all these, comes competition between the suppliers, who are producing the same product or a substitute for these products. The competition, affected by market forces of demand and supply, go on to lead to the formation many market structures. The manner, in which competitors fight for the clients, ranges from a monopolistic market to an oligopoly. In most cases, the market forces balance out, to the favor of the competitors and suppliers. However, the poor people, end up lacking the ability to obtain these products. The basic needs, such as clean drinking water, food and education, become a preserve of those who have money in society. The country has a solemn duty to protect its members and to ensure that the basic human rights are maintained in accordance to the country’s constitution. When basic amenities are not affordable to a vas t majority in society, the nation is failing to carry out its duty. The leaders, who were selected by the same people who are now suffering, have to intervene. Similarly, competition amongst individuals in the market in which demand and supply work to set the prices of commodities, can lead to the production of cheaper commodities that can be afforded by the majority of low income earning class of society. The bone of contention here, is that the product is the quality of the cheap product. Often, when the market is allowed to run normally, moments happen when the demand outstrips the supply. As a result, the price of commodities in question increases commensurately. The effect of this, is that a big portion of clients, get locked out because they cannot afford to buy this product or service. The products that are often highly demanded by the clients are basic amenities such as food, shelter, clean water, electricity, transport, education, and legal services. Due to the nature of so ciety, a growing population causes increased demand for these products. In the process, they become increasingly expensive. This often causes a large part of the population to miss these vital goods and services. At this point, it is crucial for the government to set some rules governing the market dynamics that concern such products. The government can do this in several ways. However, the most effective is when the producers are not coerced into reducing the prices, but when both the government and the producers are in understanding about the need to set regulations, on the prices of the goods they produce. In many cases, this is by the provision of tax cuts and subsidies to the producers, in a bid to have them reduce prices. Otherwise, the economy suffers from market failure. However, the main reason for many regulations is market failures. There are various rationales behind the reason for market failure. The first one is the monopolies and natural monopolies. The situation in w hich only one producer is producing a specific commodity in the market due to the following factors: The commodity in the market is unique, causing it to lack a substitute commodity. Only one seller is supplying the commodity in the market. There exist barriers to prevent new entrants into the industry, and those in it, already have difficulties getting out. Monopoly causes market failure due to the lack of proper competition. As a result, the public suffer because the industry player can choose to maximize profits at the drop of the hat. The company with monopoly has the ability to control supply and demand forces in the market. When the company chooses to reduce production and raise the price of commodities, income shifts from the consumer to the producer. The solution to this is creation of competition laws, which balance out and control the market by introducing competitors. This solution is especially effective, in resolving natural monopoly. The situation in which the produc tion of a commodity is by one main company, due to the cheap cost of production, is referred to as economies of scale. The establishment of competition law on its own is not enough, and could cause problems in the quality of output. There is thus need to combine this with price and quality control regulations. The regulators set the price of the commodity around the incremental cost to encourage the monopolizing producer to increase production to a certain predetermined level. In effect this mimics the effect of having another competitor in the market. The other market failure is windfall profits. This situation allows a producer to encounter minimal costs through discovering a cheap supply of raw material, or a less costly production process. The other market payers do not have the same advantage and in the process, one producer ends up making more profits that all the others. Regulation takes place when the sudden escalations in profits require to distribution so that the public a lso benefits through taxation. The third market failure is externalities. This occurs when the price of producing a product does not take into account the effects on the society by producing that commodity. This leads to too much consumption. These regulations especially seek to regulate pollution caused by large manufacturing companies. The regulations encourage the producers to factor in the cost of cleaning up pollution caused by them, into the selling price of the commodity. A principle called â€Å"polluter pays†. Information inadequacies are market failures cased when the consumers lack crucial information leading to malfunction of markets. The dissemination of information is especially valuable for the production of food products and medicines. The consumer must remain informed about the side effects of ingesting the product. Companies abscond to do this due to various factors, key being that the cost of researching into the side effects is high. Other market failures include; continuity and availability of service, anti-competitive behavior and predatory pricing, public goods and moral hazard, unequal bargaining power, scarcity and rationing, rationalization and coordination, and poor market planning. References Barrett, S Herbert, V 1994, The Vitamin Pushers: How the â€Å"Health Food† Industry Is  Selling America a Bill of Good, Prometheus Books, New York. Collins, S et al 2004, ‘Wages, health benefits, and workers’ health,’ Commonwealth  Fund Issue Brief, 6 (7), pp. 3-4. Estevao, M 2005, OECD Economic Surveys, OECD Publishers, Luxembourg. Gunther, M 1980, â€Å"Quackery and the media,† In S. Barrett (Ed.), The Health Robbers: How To Protect Your Money and Your Life, George F Stickley Co, Philadelphia. Howells, G G Weatherill, S 2005, Consumer Protection Law, Ashgate Publishing, Farnham. Jarvis, W 1992, ‘Quackery: A national scandal,’ Clinical Chemistry, 38, pp. 1574–1586. Kaplan, N 1 980, ‘Consumer health: The times they are a-changing,’ Health Education,  11(6), p. 3. Previts, G 2007, Research Accounting Regulation, University of Miami, Florida. Schiantarelli, F 2005, Product Market Regulation and Macro-economic Performance, World Bank, Development Research Group, New York. Sherman, R 2008, Market Regulation, Pearson Adson Wesly, New York. U.S Preventive Services Task Force 2005, Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, New York. Wasik, J 1995, ‘Fraud in the funeral industry,’ Consumers Digest 34 (5), 53–59. Wolfe, S Laurie, P 2004, â€Å"Ranking of state medical board serious disciplinary actions in 2002,† HRG, 4(2), pp. 3-4. This essay on The Effectiveness of Alcohol Marketing, Regulation and How It Is Can Protect the Consumer from Fake Products was written and submitted by user Centenn1al to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

My First Day at A University of Khon Kaen Essay Example

My First Day at A University of Khon Kaen Essay Example My First Day at A University of Khon Kaen Essay My First Day at A University of Khon Kaen Essay My First Day at A University of Khan Keen Have you ever been so excited that your heart cant stop beaten? Thats show I was on my my first day at the Khan Keen University. I was very excited, but also was frightened. I was about to meet people who were going to be with me for four years. I kept asking myself; would they be nice? That morning woke up very early but arrived at the faculty late because I dont know the schedule of the transport in the university; my body was petrified. I could not even breath, I thought l was bad the first impression but the cheer whom I studied the first class didnt come too. How lucky I am! It was me and a new world. A new group Of people with different points Of view, different lifestyles. Somehow the air was different because the smell was different from the common. The distance was another important point. All these points made me realize one thing. Im in a new world. Firstly, I had never been in the North East of Thailand. Dont know what about this part before, until come to here, Khan Keen University, the biggest university in the north east of Thailand. The environment was completely different from the one that used to live. I come from Bangkok, but on the weekend I mostly stay in Phrase province, a small town in the north of Thailand. This is the first difference for me. The lifestyle of the north and the north east is seemed to close but not. Another important aspect is the lifestyle that they have here. They eat everything especially meat, but I dont eat meat. All these aspect show me that its a different place. I dont know how, but the environment was completely different from the one that I used to stay. Somehow the air was different because it smells different from the one. Here we find a lot of trees and flowers that give a more rural aspect to the university, and the days here look longer than the common no matter how the weather is. The environment looks completely from other places. Secondly, came to a new university alone, no old friends like others. Was left in between those new people who hardly knew themselves and were looking forward in meeting a new friend. Like them, I was also seeking to meet someone who could help me in my troubles and to whom I can call as my friend. Then knew once I started talking to a friend, other people would also come to talk with me as they are also in search of a friend with whom they can talk and tell them about there a previous school and those moments that they have shared with their old friends and who were also seeking for a new friends. Then enough they will be caught in a vicious circle called friendship from which to come out is impossible. Something happened to me when I joined my new university. Other students around me were so new looking that newness in the circle brought me a creepy sanction of me being lone in the middle of this new world. Thirdly, the distance was another important point. I had never had to use a motorcycle to get to my university. I cant ride a motorcycle so that it made my life difficult. My faculty, Humanities and Social sciences, is near my dormitory, so I could us a Shuttle Bus, a university service transport to get to my faculty. Finally, I understood that Im in a rural area, and Im not in an urban as used to be. But living in a big place like this university without owning transport made me spend my life very difficult. All in all, the first day of a new university was good. Enjoyed most of my teacher, classmate, and classes. So this was my first day at a university which was filled with fear, remembrance, and strangeness which later became a golden moment, the moment I could enjoy later on. The moment are written with unarguable ink to my memories was one of the most important moments in my life. It was the moment of truth. It was me and a new world. It was a new group of people with different points of view and different lifestyle. All these aspects show me that its a new world.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

11 Steps to Writing the Perfect Resume

11 Steps to Writing the Perfect Resume Whether you’re planning to use a resume-writing service or give it a go on your own, it’s important to take some time to prepare for your resume rewrite. Your resume will only be as good as the information you or your writer has work with. Gather the following details ahead of time to craft a powerful document that effectively tells your story and markets your qualifications. Contact information.While this section may seem obvious, there are a few factors to consider. For instance, how will you display your name? Are you planning to use a nickname, such as Bob, or will you use your full name for the job search? Whichever you choose, make sure you consistently represent your name on all your personal branding materials such as your business cards, LinkedIn profile, and online portfolio or blog.Select one email address and one phone number to include on your resume. I recommend setting up an email address that’s dedicated to your job-search activities and using you r cell phone number on your resume, as this gives you the ability to control the voicemail message, who answers the phone, and when.Online presence.A Jobvite social recruiting survey found that 93 percent of recruiters will search for your online profiles before they decide to interview you. Save them some time by including the URL to your LinkedIn profile. Don’t have a LinkedIn profile yet? Check out this video tutorial by Lindsey Pollak for help creating your profile.In addition to your LinkedIn account, include any links that are relevant to your work, such as a personal website, portfolio, or blog. If your work involves social media, you may include the links to other social media accounts such as Twitter, Instagram, and so forth.Sample job descriptionsA great resume is tailored to support a specific job goal. One of the best ways to ensure your resume is properly positioned is to identify sample jobs that you’re interested in and qualified to perform.Search online and gather a few job postings that represent the type of position you’re targeting. It doesn’t matter if the location is ideal; for this purpose, you should only be concerned with the job description and its requirements.Copy and paste the text of the description itself into a Word or Google document and then highlight or bold any requirements or desirable skills from the posting you possess. This will help you or your writer identify which of your qualifications should be showcased throughout the resume.Technical skills and proficienciesWhat technical platforms and tools are you proficient? List all that apply to your work. Be specific and as comprehensive as possible. This list can include anything from social media platforms to project management systems and computer languages. If you’ve worked with proprietary platforms, list those as well.Need to brush up on a skill or tool that’s routinely popping up in the job descriptions you’re targeting?   Check out edX, Coursera, and SkillShare for free or low-cost online courses.Your professional experience.Start with your most recent job and work your way backwards. You’ll need to detail out all your professional positions within the past 15 years. If you served in the military or held a board position, list this experience as you would any other role in your work history. If you recently graduated from college, include your internships and any work experience that took place since you entered college.For each role, list the following information:Company Name and URLJob Title: If your title is very specific to your organization, you can include a translation of sorts in parentheses next to your official job title.Start and End Dates: Include the month and year for each of these dates.Job Description: Think about your roles and responsibilities as they relate to your target role. This is especially important if you’d like to change careers. Include details such as how many people you managed or supervised, the territories you covered, etc.Achievements: Brainstorm a list your accomplishments and major contributions that benefited the organization during your tenure. The number of achievements you provide will depend upon how long you remained in that role and how relevant it is to your current job goals. Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible; for instance, how did you help save the company money, generate revenue, improve customer satisfaction, increase productivity, and so forth?If you have an existing resume, only include new details in this section. There’s no reason to repeat anything that already appears in your current resume.Early career historyIf you’ve been in the workforce for over 15 years, chances are you have a few positions that got left out of the previous section. Make a list of the job titles you held, the names of each employer, the locations where you worked, and your dates of employment for these rol es. While the dates will likely not get used in your resume, it’s good to have a clear record of your earlier experiences for the writer.Volunteer workHave you been actively volunteering with a non-profit organization? Skills-based volunteering (SBV) is a great way to fill an employment gap or supplement your work history when you’re trying to change careers.   Please list any volunteer work you’ve done that’s relevant to your current job goals in chronological order, beginning with your most recent work.  If you’re new to the workforce, include any campus activities or clubs in which you were active.Record the name of the organization and its website URL, the positions you held, your years of involvement, and your responsibilities and contributions to the non-profit. Looking for new volunteer opportunities?  Visit sites such as Catchafireand VolunteerMatch.Professional affiliationsList any relevant professional organizations or affiliations you’re a member of that aren’t listed on your resume. For each group, please list their name and URL, when you became a member, and any positions you’ve held. If you took an active role in the organization, describe your responsibilities and any notable achievements.Interested in joining a new association? Check out WEDDLE’s Association Directory or research which groups your peers and managers belong to. You can often find this information on their LinkedIn profiles.Language skillsLanguage skills can be a great selling point on your resume. If you’re multilingual, be sure to list each language you speak and your proficiency level.Education and professional developmentCreate a record of all your education, beginning with your most recent degree. List the institution, its location, the name of your degree, your major and minor, your graduation year, and any honors associated with the degree, such as summa or magna cum laude. Do the same for any rele vant certifications you’ve obtained or additional training opportunities or workshops you’ve attended.Third-party feedbackHave you received positive customer testimonials or a great performance review? Include this information in your preparation materials. You or your resume writer  may be able to work some of this information into your resume to demonstrate your hard and soft skills in the workplace.While this may feel like a lot of work now, by taking the time to examine your career now, you’ll see the benefits in your future resume.Note: this article was originally published on TopResume.TopResume is a Talent Inc. company, the personal branding destination for all career-driven professionals. Through our extensive network of professional writers, we offer career advice and analyze and write more resumes and LinkedIn profiles than any other service in the world. Ready to get started? Request a free resume critique today.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Organisational Performance Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organisational Performance - Research Proposal Example Additionally, Morris & Maisto (2005) suggest that fears over unemployment in volatile or unpredictable business environments is a source of extreme stress, often leading to alcohol-related diseases or cases of extreme moodiness both personally and professionally. When thoughts of potential job loss are somewhat irrational and are not based on tangible organisational evidence, it is the responsibility of the employer to build a sense of security for their employees to avoid extreme stress development. This is accomplished, according to Griffin & Moorhead (2006) by reinforcing that their position is stable and, if they remain productive and active contributors to organisational success, they will continue to be employed and valued for their successes. Again, in this scenario, it is the responsibility of the employer to take a proactive leadership approach to boosting employee perceptions regarding job security, perhaps by offering the employee an opportunity to complete a fast-track ma nagement programme to illustrate that the company truly values the relationship. Th There are a wide variety of theories regarding employee and employer relationships in the modern organisation and how to utilise positive reinforcement and motivational theories as a tool to sustain these relationships and boost worker performance. However, establishing security and a sense of appreciation (from a self-esteem development perspective) appear to be the primary catalysts for positive organisational performance as a company whole. When employees are content and secure, they are likely to be larger contributors to securing long-term strategic objectives. The proposed study design Upon project approval, this impending study on organisational performance seeks to answer two specific research questions: What are the most viable methods for employers to establish a sense of security in employees without being misleading' Can employers actually develop self-esteem in their employee population and how is this accomplished in hectic or otherwise difficult organisational environments' This proposed study will take a qualitative approach to research analysis, which Henslin (2003) suggests involves the who, why, and how of relationships, utilising subjective analyses to determine causal relationships between two or more members of the same organisation. The qualitative research approach was determined to be a more viable research strategy than the quantitative approach, which generally relies on statistical information or numerical representation, such as analysis of information laid out in a closed-ended questionnaire format. Because this study requires qualitative research approaches, the semi-structured interview was selected as the most viable research instrument in this proposed study. This

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Volunteer tourism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 1

Volunteer tourism - Assignment Example Of course, the procedure will entail doing research and continuously improving product features that the firm offers. Motivations of this subject are varied with results such as experiencing new things, having fun and skill development among others. This paper seeks this impression of change further as it examine and explore the impact that volunteer tourism organizations play, Speciessaver in particular, for the advancement of humanities and understanding. The paper is developed for Australian intended tourism terminus in Truong Son, in Vietnam. As will be stated in the body of the paper, application methods are researched on and availed at the convenience of willing participants. Tourism is mobile vocational trip that one goes for to enjoy leisure or for business purpose. Increasing personal earnings and arising awareness due to the emergence of technology are just a few factors to mention that have contributed to tourism. Currently, the rate at which financial independence is contracting has promoted the lookout for volunteers in a variety of endeavours (Li-Ju & Joseph 2010). Lyons and Wearing (2008) suggested that the volunteer tourists be those individuals who are driven by internal desire to contribute towards the development and to gain more insight on things through learning new skills. Such persons are dedicated to a reduction of poverty and for the betterment of environmental conditions as well as saving the animal species (Lyons & Wearing 2008). Many companies have since gained insight in advancing the same through linking and facilitating these groups. Management of these groups is essential for efficient delivery of services they would volunteer to provide. This paper probes the classification of these potential volunteers in view of their basic and immediate perception of offering voluntary work in collaboration of attaining

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Negative Utilitarianism Essay Example for Free

Negative Utilitarianism Essay Most utilitarian theories deal with producing the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people. Negative utilitarianism (NU) requires us to promote the least amount of evil or harm, or to prevent the greatest amount of suffering for the greatest number. Proponents like Karl Popper, Christoph Fehige and Clark Wolf argue that this is a more effective ethical formula, since, they contend, the greatest harms are more consequential than the greatest goods. Karl Popper also referred to an epistemological argument: â€Å"It adds to clarity in the fields of ethics, if we formulate our demands negatively, i. e., if we demand the elimination of suffering rather than the promotion of happiness. † (Karl R. Popper,1945) Most forms of utilitarianism hold that we ought to do that which maximises the good and minimises the bad. There is some disagreement about what the good and the bad are whether the good is people being happy and the bad is people being unhappy, or the good is people getting what they want and the bad is people not getting what they want, or whateverbut most utilitarians agree that whatever the good and the bad are, we ought to bring about as much of the former and as little of the latter as is possible. Negative utilitarians disagree. Negative utilitarians are concerned only with minimising the bad. They dont think we ought to maximise the good and minimise the bad, and that when we must choose between the two we must weigh the difference that we can make to the one against the difference that we can make to the other; rather, negative utilitarians hold just that we ought to minimise the bad, that we ought to alleviate suffering as far as we are able to do so. Suppose that I have a choice to make: I can either make the happiest man in the world even happier than he already is, or I can alleviate some of the suffering of the unhappiest man in the world. Suppose further that the difference that I can make to the happy man is much greater than the difference that I can make to the unhappy man. Most utilitarians would say that in this case I ought to help the happy man. As I can make a greater difference to the life of the happy man than I can make to the life of the unhappy man, it is the happy man whom I should help. Negative utilitarians disagree. Negative utilitarians hold that it is more important to alleviate suffering than it is to promote pleasure, and that I should therefore always choose to alleviate suffering rather than promote pleasure when forced to choose between the two. In most supporters of moderate NU the preference to survive is stronger than the wish to be freed from suffering, so that they refuse the idea of a quick and painless destruction of life. Some of them believe that, in time, the worst cases of suffering is defeated and a world of minor suffering can be realized. The big problem with negative utilitarianism is that it appears to require the destruction of the world. The world contains much suffering, and the future, presumably, contains a great deal more suffering than the present. Each of us will suffer many calamaties in the course of our lives, before those lives finally end with the suffering of death. There is a way, however, to reduce this suffering: we could end it all now. With nuclear weapons technology, we have the capability to blow up the planet, making it uninhabitable. Doing so would cause us all to suffer death, but death is going to come to us all anyway, so causing everyone to die will not increase the suffering in the world. Causing us to die now, though, will decrease the suffering in the world; it will prevent us from suffering those calamaties that were going to plague us during the remainder of our lives. Destroying the planet, then, will reduce the suffering in the world. According to negative utilitarianism, then, it is what we ought to do. That, though, is surely absurd. Negative utilitarianism, therefore, is false. References (Karl R. Popper, The Open Society and its Enemies, London 1945).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Mother Theresa Intentions Are Honorable, But She Also Causes Evil :: essays research papers

Mother Theresa Intentions Are Honorable, But She Also Causes Evil Some of the most fathomless evils in the world go unknown to people. These evils present themselves disguised as good, and may do much good, but simultaneously do evil. Ideas, things, and people may all advance evil, even if this is not what they intended. How people see the aforementioned, and the way said people's minds work, combine together to work much harm. It is assuredly not their fault, and they may not even be aware of it. For instance Mother Theresa's intentions are completely honorable and she does much good, but she also cause evil. Mother Theresa is, for all practical purposes, guaranteed sainthood. Much of what she does, and who she is, may indirectly cause things she does not intend. Some of this is the people she helps. Mother Theresa gives food needed to survive to her beneficiaries. This is unquestionably a good thing, yet it also harms the people. While their lives shall continue, they no longer know how to live. Those rescued shall become dependent on the food given them, and soon will not know how to take care of themselves. It would be far more practical to also teach them how they may help themselves, but one person cannot do all. One overwhelming influence on those that wish to help is Mother Theresa. These individuals doubtless wish to help, but for various reasons do not. When questioned, there is one response that is entirely too common, which is "I can't make a difference." Mother Theresa is a contributing factor to this response. Everyone sees this woman doing so much, they then believe they can never do the same on such a large scale. People become overwhelmed with all of the good she does, then, because they acquired the impression that they cannot come near to the legend she has become, they do nothing at all. There is at least one other place where Mother Theresa does something detrimental, that she may not be aware of. People constantly see her on news reports, movies, commercials. Mother Theresa is also written about in books, magazines, and newspapers. She allows this, for it lets her message reach many people, but this too has a corrupting effect. Until now sainthood had been a mystical and unattainable level, now it is not. It is certain that Mother Theresa shall become a saint. Such publicity becomes devoted to her that many begin to feel like they know her. Mother Theresa currently drifts somewhere between your neighbor and a favorite movie star.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Comparative Analysis Literary Works Essay

Did you know that many books, poems, and other literary works, sometime share some similarities or same point of views on a topic? Well, these similarities can be anything from the same setting, same characters, etc, and sometime they may have similarities in their conflicts. Like in the play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare and in the story, â€Å"The Coldest Winter Since 1854† by William Saroyan. Both of these literary works had many similarities but one major similarity is in their conflicts, but what are their major conflicts in both of these works and how are both of these conflicts similar? Well you are just about to find out. In the story, â€Å"The Coldest Winter Since 1854† our main character, Dewey, a young boy who is in school, share his love to another young girl named Emma, by giving her a love letter. Soon the teacher finds out about this â€Å"love letter† and sent him to the office. He later spends a whole day with the principal as his punishment, but what is the conflict? Well later, the principal, Mr. Bowler, ask Dewey to stop being in love with Emma, why? Well it’s because of his social stats. You see, Dewey is just â€Å"a poor man’s son and Emma is a rich man’s daughter† so they’re not fit to be together, which Dewey is force to accept this fact, but Dewey may still continue to love her. In A Midsummer’s Night Dream, the story is a little different. In this plot, taking place along time ago in the city of Athens, one of the characters named Lysander, a young man, is in love with a young woman named Hermia, and Hermia is in love Lysander as well. So what’s the problem? Well Hermia’s father, Egeus is the problem. Egeus doesn’t want her daughter, Hermia, to marry Lysander, instead, he want her to marry Demetrius. Demetrius is another young man that Hermia’s best friend, Helena is in love with. But can Egeus make Hermia marry Demetrius? Well under the law of Athens, he can. The law said that a daughter must follow what her father said; otherwise she is put to death. So Hermia and Lysander decided to run away together to another city, where the laws are different and get marry there. Which later, Helena tells Demetrius about their plan. Soon later, most of characters are in magical forest, late at night, where it starts to go downhill fr om there. Now that you know part of these works, and their main conflict, you may be wondering, how can these conflicts be any similar? Well if you readied carefully, you may had noticed their similarities. In both stories, there is a love connection between two characters. In â€Å"The Coldest Winter Since 1854†, it’s between Dewey and Emma, and in A Midsummer’s Night Dream, it’s between Lysander and Hermia, and later in the plot, it’s also between Demetrius and Helena. Another similarity is that in both stories, is that the guy can not be with the girl he like, because of an issue that preventing them to be together. In â€Å"The Coldest Winter Since 1854†, Dewey can not be with Emma because of his social stats; he is the son of a poor man, while Emma is the daughter of a rich man, and them being together would cause huge trouble for him and her. While in A Midsummer’s Night Dream, Lysander can’t be with Hermia because of Hermia’s father, Egeus. Egeus is forcing Hermia to marry Demetrius instead of Lysander, and under the law of Athens, he can that. So now you should be able to notice the similarities between the two stories, but if you still can’t, another good example would be from another book called Jake Reinvented. In this book, Jake, the main character of the book, can not date an popular girl he like, because of his social stats, so he moved and goes to this new school, where the girl he likes, goes there too, and pretends to be a popular guy, by doing stuff like being on the football team, hanging out with the popular crowd and throw huge parties. So as you see, these literary works, both had many similarities, one of them being in their similar conflicts, and these are not the only stories that share similarities between two different stories. There are a huge list of stories, poems, novels, and even in songs, movies and so many more. Who know how many similarities there could be. So why not try for yourself, and see if any stories, share any similarities between each other like these two stories did.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Book Review: the Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr Essay

Many are still quoting from Nicholas Carr’s 2008 Atlantic article â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?† Here in The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, he elaborates to illustrate precisely how the Internet changes our lives. Along the way, Carr’s highly entertaining book reminds us of how the great thinkers of past centuries did just fine without a hyperlinked database of all the world’s knowledge at hand. In the 21st century, we are facing the consequences of our distracted and scattered society, and we make choices about the impact of technology, weighted with assumptions about the nature of knowledge and intelligence. The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains presents a thoughtful, if frightening, look at what we’re doing to ourselves. We learn to take in information the way the Internet distributes it, â€Å"in a swiftly moving stream of particles.† At best we skim the surface, rather than go deep into information, and our fragmented journey results in lack of concentration and comprehension. Pay attention as the author cites his own difficulties with reading and that of others who find problems with their ability to read and absorb. Sadly much of our reading has become â€Å"skimming and scrolling.† In just twenty years, since the web’s graphical browser was created, the Internet has become the communication and information medium of choice. Those of us who grew up in an analog youth can still remember when AOL was the top consumer choice for web use. Do you remember AOL’s weekly allotment of a limited amount of web surfing? Carr colors his analysis with interesting stories and profiles of some of the world’s greatest thinkers and writers, including Socrates and Plato. He reaches far back in time to bring us a full understanding of the development of human intellect over centuries. In the late 19th century, when first using a typewriter, Nietzsche quickly found a difference in his work when not using paper and pen. †Our writing equipment takes part in the forming of our thoughts.† The Shallows illustrates that every technology is an expression of human will and changes how we think. The typewriter, sextant, globe, book newspaper and computer are all tools for self-expression, our identity and relations with others. In Chapter Four, â€Å"The Deepening Page,† Carr creates an interesting parallel between today’s technology divide and Johannes Gutenberg’s printing press invention, developed in the mid-15th century. While it was as central an event as the Internet is today, it too was out of reach for the poor, illiterate, isolated or incurious. The biggest difference between the printing press and the web today, other than speed, is the web’s bi-directional communication ability. Yet, Carr quotes Marshall McLuhan stating, â€Å"A new medium is never an addition to an old one. Nor does it leave the old one in peace.† â€Å"Today, when a printed book is transferred to an electronic device connected to the Internet, it turns into something very like a web site,† says Carr. Yet, he reflects on what this means, when the ability to continually update a book removes the sense of closure from book writing. He raises the question of whether an author’s pressure to achieve perfection will diminish, along with artistic rigor that pressure imposed. â€Å"The Juggler’s Brain,† Chapter Seven, should be mandatory reading for us to understand effects of technology in the school system, after a decade of using hypertext on computer screens instead of printed pages. Over time, it was apparent that evaluating links and navigating paths was mentally challenging, and extraneous to the act of reading. Studies quickly determined that hypertext increases readers’ cognitive load and is more than the average reader is capable of handling and remembering. As skimming becomes our dominant mode of reading, we as a society and individually, pay a price. With lessened comprehension and compulsive multitasking, we’re easily distracted, compounding our problems. As Carr says, â€Å"The Net is making us smarter, in other words, only if we define intelligence by the Net’s own standards.† Do yourself a favor and turn off your browser and email while you read the section on attentiveness. It points to a problem many of us experience without understanding, thinking we’re faced with â€Å"too much information.† The reality may be that changes in our brains, as we use the web, turn us into shallow thinkers. The Shallows is more than a report on the current state of technology in society. The greatest problem is the more we use the web, the more we train our brain to be distracted – to process information very quickly and very efficiently but without sustained attention. It’s worth reading this book to remind ourselves that we are responsible for the priorities we set and the choices we make. Reviewers note: In the complexity of today’s technology, and as proof of the dramatic changes the simple act of reading a book, The Shallows is available in hardcover, as well as a Kindle edition, audio book, CD, Audible Audio edition, cassette and MP3. Such is the reality in the modern world.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Childrens Literature Test 2 Essay Example

Childrens Literature Test 2 Essay Example Childrens Literature Test 2 Paper Childrens Literature Test 2 Paper Essay Topic: Literature What distinguishes picture books from other types of books? The pictures tell just as much story as the words do. Role of illustrations in childrens literature stimulate sensitivity to art and beauty join the text in telling the story rather than the text standing alone What are the criteria for evaluating picture books? text and illustrations should complement each other; should be brief and straight forward; contain few concepts and none beyond comprehension; written in direct and simple style and have illustrations that complement the text Mother Goose serves as an excellent introduction to verse for very young children because They stimulate language development as well as auditory discrimination and listening skills; rhythm, rhyme, repetition of sounds, humor, exaggeration; teach lessons and morals Like Mother Goose rhymes, which were among the first books published for children? Not sure yet- maybe toy books, or concept books In alphabet books specifically designed to teach young children the letters and their sounds, what is particularly important? Have universal terms, things that are most known by one name like apple when learning A, instead of bunny or rabbit when learning B analyzing alphabet books Objects should be easy for children to identify and should not have more than one commonly used name analyzing counting books for preschoolers used to develop one-to-one correspondence and ability to count sequentially from one through ten Concept books are excellent sources of materials for stimulating childrens faster understanding of abstract ideas; help young children learn basic concepts (colors and shapers) In which of the types of picture books do the illustrations tell the whole story? Wordless value of wordless picture books encourage children to develop observational skills, descriptive vocabularies and abilities to create stories criteria to be considered when choosing wordless picture books excellent way of developing oral and written language skills; stimulate creative thinking and enhance visual literacy abilities; allow children from different backgrounds and reading levels to enjoy the same book Considering the attention span of young children, how should plots be developed for picture Storybooks? open with leads (to grab attention), figurative language, make a long story short, repetition of sentences or phrases, understatement (allow readers to make connections instead of the author saying it straight out.) In general, why were traditional literature stories told? To help children understand the rich oral heritage handed down from cultures around the world. characteristics of traditional literature? concentrated action, stock characters, patterned language, elements of fantasy, simple themes of good vs. evil weak overcoming the strong Why are cumulative tales, which sequentially repeat actions, characters, or speeches until a climax is reached, appealing to young children? easy to remember and recite; plots are simple, predictable, and direct with lots of action. The type of folktale that explains why an animal has certain characteristics or why people have certain customs is a pourquoi (why) tale What characterizes fables? Brief tales in which personified animals characters indicate a moral lesson What characterizes myths? Considered truthful by the society in which they are told, happened in the remote past, often associated with theology and ritual Folktales provide an excellent source for making discoveries about people living in earlier times because folktales it shows the theme if universal truths that reflect the values of the times/societies values of traditional literature for children? helps children understand the personal dimension and standards of behavior of a culture and reduces stereotypes; provides children with a framework for the literature, drama, and art they will later encounter; provides entertainment and pleasure; provides strong rhythm, rhyme, and repetition of patterns. A motif in literature is any recurring element that has symbolic significance in a story The majority of French folktales portrays splendid royal castles rather than humble peasant cottages which types of folktales are dragons, tigers, and cranes recurring elements? Asian Folk tales. (respect ancestors, ethical standards, conflict between nobility and commoners, faithfulness and kindness are rewarded, dragons, tigers, cranes are recurring elements.) What distinguishes legends from myths? Legends: more secular narratives, regarded as true in the society in which they are told, embroider the historical facts of human achievement. Myths: Considered truthful by the society in which they are told, happened in the remote past, often associated with theology and ritual. willing suspension of disbelief in reading fantasy refers to It refers to the readers agreement to accept the impossible and accept the magic as real theme of modern fantasy? Themes of modern fantasy: the importance of personal and social responsibility, battle between good and evil, power of love and friendship. Which author is best known for religious allegories? CS Lewis assonance repetition of vowel sounds onomatopoeia words that sound like the sounds they make alliteration repetition of consonant sounds hyperbole Exaggeration not usually meant to be taken literally What refers to words that imitate the actions or sound with which they are associated? onomatopoeia Word division, line division, punctuation, and capitalization make up the poetic element called shape From The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler is? E. L. Konigsburg Tuck Everlasting? Natalie Babbitt Bridge to Terabithia? Katherine Patterson What is the most likely reason that so many folktales, even folktales of different origins, have the same types of themes and recurring actions? values, morals What theme best characterizes mythical quests and conflicts? Modern Fantasy

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 of The Best College Party Themes You Simply Have to Try

10 of The Best College Party Themes You Simply Have to Try Of course, college is a time for working hard and pushing yourself to grab that final mark which will catapult you into your chosen career, but it’s also a time for having fun and making memories which will last a lifetime. As clichà © as that may sound, it’s the basic truth of the matter. All work and no play makes life rather dull indeed! If you’re wanting to throw a party which will be remembered for year to come, for the right reasons of course, and you’re looking for a little inspiration for your party themes, how about one of these for size? Rock the White Isle – an Ibiza-Inspired Party It doesn’t have to be summer to remember party central on the clubbing island we all know and love. Turn up the heating if you need to, but clubbing gear is the dress code, glow sticks are as standard, and clubbing tunes are blaring from the speakers. Hawaii Surfer Chic Laid-back surfer dudes and chicks ready to catch a wave? This is the iconic summer theme to enjoy, with hula dancing, bikinis, grass skirts, surfer shorts, and a totally laid-back vibe. Great for memories of summer, whether you went to Hawaii or not! Snow Bunny Fun When the weather outside is a little more on the Baltic side than sunny, why not take advantage of it and turn your party into a snow bunny theme? Think ski outfits, think wrapping up warm, and you know what? Turn the heating off to save money and add to the ambience! Delegate your write my essay task to professional writers while you have fun! Neon Colours This one is easy and cheap for everyone attending – basically, anything you wear has to be neon coloured and you can turn that around to the drinks too, with neon coloured beverages, and perhaps even a cake with more than a sprinkling of food colouring to fit in with the theme! Come Dine With Me You can look at this one in two ways – a) everyone brings some food so you don’t have to pay for the food, and b) if you say everyone has to cook something, you’re developing their cooking skills, so it’s win-win! Take inspiration from the TV show, but turn it into a party rather than a dining experience; think dips and nachos, pizzas, nibble foods, that kind of thing. The most imaginative snack wins a prize. Masquerade â€Å"Ball† You don’t need to kit everyone out in a ball gown and suit for this, but guests simply need to wear a mask, which can easily be bought online! The rest can be normal clothes, but the fun is in guessing who is who! A Spooky Halloween Party This is easy, because around the big day you can easily pick up enough cheap items to dress up a house or dorm room and buying a mask is an easy task too, so no need to break the bank. Make a bowl of punch, some scary snacks, and you’re away. Stupid Jumper Night Think Christmas and the new craze of wearing the most ridiculous knitted jumper you can find. Now, turn that on its head and make a party out of who can wear the most stupid jumper regardless of the time of year. Again, turn it into a competition, because the person with the most ridiculous outfit wins a prize. ABC Party This is one that is iconic in the college party world and ABC basically stands for Anything But Clothes. Now, don’t panic! We’re not suggesting your guests rock up naked, but what they do wear has to be made from something else, for example, a bin liner fashioned into a dress, or a bed sheet turned into a skirt. You get the idea. Toga Party No college experience is complete without a toga party. Now, this has many advantages, and the main one is that it’s cheap because you can make a toga out of anything, even a bed sheet! Simply wrap some rope around it and you ta-da! You have a toga the Ancient Greeks would have been proud of! These are just a few ideas you can incorporate into your college party themes; all of them will certainly be nights to remember! This article was made by writing service.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Reaction paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9

Reaction paper - Assignment Example economic terms, author discusses different suppressions of excesses of power (such as externalities, moral hazards, and monopolization practices) in order to demonstrate constant existence of control over managerial capitalism (Freeman 39-40). Finally, Freeman defines his stakeholder theory by providing its definition, finding out its actors, and evaluating their influential potential on managers of corporations. After arguing on â€Å"narrow† and â€Å"wide† concepts of stakeholder, he claims that owners, employees, suppliers, customers, and the local community have their stakes in contemporary corporations (Freeman 40-42). For him, government and â€Å"competitors† are not stakeholders, since â€Å"they are not necessary for the survival† of corporation (Freeman 42). In conclusion, Freeman recognizes manager as â€Å"King Solomon† (42) for the company, as in the given circumstances he has to satisfy different groups of stakeholders with various in terests. Another article, written by Milton Friedman, raises the question social responsibility to have a direct influence on corporate profits. To start with, the author draws on the most apparent fact of responsibility; namely, manager ss â€Å"an agent of the individuals who own corporation† (Friedman 2) is always responsible for his employees. In this case, he distinguishes executive’s corporate social responsibility from his own one by defining the core interest of his activity in serving employers and customers (Friedman 2). Furthermore, political dimension appears in the fact that social responsibility is the result of socialist perspective, which says that politicians not executives are responsible for sharing limited resources (Friedman 3). As a result, conflict of interests emerges as an additional obstacle to managerial objectivity while possessing socially responsible corporate activity (Friedman 3-4). Finally, Friedman analyzes open protests from stakeholders wheth er they correspond the ideal of democratic

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Evaluation of Apple Incs decision about launched product Apple Pay, Essay

Evaluation of Apple Incs decision about launched product Apple Pay, based on your analysis of the external environment (PEST factors and competition) and of the market - Essay Example However, companies such as Apple are helping to make that dream turn into reality. The growth in mobile commerce is seen to be quick with more of smart phone users. The current paper aims to analyze the mobile payments industry of the U.S emphasising upon its trends, growth rates, environmental factors and competition aspects. Apple Pay is a mobile payments solutions product developed by Apple Inc. The system allows the users of iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus, iPad mini3, iPad Air 2 and Apple Watch to make direct payments. The service was launched on October 20, 2014 in the U.S. The system currently exists only in the U.S, with the company’s plans of expanding the same into other nations in the near future (Apple Inc., 2014). The contactless payment system enables users to pay for different types of purchases in a safe and a highly secure manner. The solutions payment systems are a part of the electronic payments industry. The purpose of service providers in this industry is to develop an easy method of transacting business and transferring money without having to carry or use cards every time a purchase in made. Users can store their banking information in their mobiles in a secure way and can use the same whenever purchases are made. When consumers store their debit or credit card information in their iPhones, Apple generates a unique encrypted code called the device account numbers. These codes get saved within the mobile chip and is never accessed or stored in the Apple servers. Whenever any transaction is made, these device account numbers along with transaction specific security code is used. In this manner the actual debit or credit card information is not used by Apple for transmitting the payment (Heggestuen, J., 2014). The mobile payments and online payment solutions industry is seen to have grown rapidly in the last few years in the U.S. The industry is seen to be in its booming phase with new types of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The value of the US dollar Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The value of the US dollar - Assignment Example The value of the U.S dollar to rise or fall depends on how many dollars are printed by the state treasury department. The more money they print out, the less its worth. Also, the dollar’s value rises based on the demands in relation to other currencies (Goldberg & Tille, 2008). The U.S dollar demand is mostly from the people who buy U.S. exported goods. Government issues bonds, tourists, people who purchase real estates and the U.S corporations bonds and stocks. The Federal Reserve and the central bank supply the dollar. When we buy goods from Germany, the demand for the euro rises (Goldberg & Tille, 2008). This is because when they receive cash we have less money. Floating exchange rate arises when the state allows the exchange rates to affirm by market forces and no attempts to power the exchange rate. The Falling of the U.S dollar makes travelling expenses to rise. People will need to spend more dollars to purchase foreign currency. A cheap dollar will lead to cheap exports abroad, and imports will become more

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Self Confidence Thinking

Self Confidence Thinking Self-confidence is the belief in your own ability when doing anything, by viewing yourself positively and realistically about yourself and your environment. (Densky 2006) In addition, you also need to believe that you have the ability to succeed. (Kent 2007) Self-confidence is also when you feel certain about yourself, your actions, decisions and opinions, and self-reliance. (Hawkins, Swannell Weston 1998, pg141) Yet, self-confidence is a very useful and powerful tool for everyone to achieve goals and fulfill wishes. Everywhere you go and everything you do, self-confidence is needed for your accomplishment of what you did. For all these while, many people think that they know what and how self-confidence is, but why some of them could not succeed in what they did. This is because they do not fully understand what self-confidence really is and know the proper and effective ways to improve it. Actually, improving self-confidence is very much depending on ones own self. Moreover, the ways to improve self-confidence are easy as long as you have a strong will to follow and never give up. Hence, self-confidence can be improved through inner of yourself by thinking positively, believing in yourself, setting realistic goals and learning. Upon understanding what self-confidence is, it is encompasses to know how a self-confident person is. A self-confident person is an optimistic, loving, independent, assertive, eager, self-respect and self-control person, and believe and know well about own abilities. (Mitchell 2007) Physically, a self-confident person looks confident with positive body language and good posture. That are, standing, sitting and walking with straight back, grasping hands in front or back of body, walking with wide steps, firm handshakes, making eye contact and smiling are signs of self-confidence. (2 Know Myself 2007)(Raudsepp 2007) Your viewers will see you confidence and they will have trust in you as you are telling them that â€Å"I can do it†. When you talk, walk, think behave and feel, self-confidence is shown. (USA Swimming 2004) In contrast, a lack of self-confidence person is a pessimist, passivity, distrust, perfectionist, sensitive to criticism and failure, inferior, isolated, self-doubt and depressed. (Mitchell 2007) Lack of self-confidence person always put on a sad, worry or confuse look, slump or bend shoulder when sitting and walking, and folding arms, sometimes with crossing legs. (2 Know Myself 2007) These positions labeled you as uncomfortable, unfriendly, annoying and not interesting which caused people around feel the same as you too. Your family members, friends and people around you will unlikely to approach you as you are telling them â€Å"Do not come near me†, â€Å"I can not help you† or â€Å"I can not do it†. Hence, you should not blame them for ignoring you. The first and main way to improve your self-confidence is thinking positively. Thinking positively is being happy, healthy with optimism and powerful with hopes. (Lopper 2007) You have to be positive even though you are feeling negative. This is because thinking negatively is very much affecting your self-confident. You may have Ps with you when you want to do something, that is, positive because if you always think about negative things, it is sure that you will fail. (USA Swimming 2004) However, this does not mean that you are ignoring the negative events but you accept them, look for the best in the events, and obtain ways to turn them into positive. There, you will see opportunity and hopes to restart again. (Lopper 2007) Moreover, for an example, you have lost in a competition. No doubt, you were feeling depressed, disappointed, angry, embarrassed, regretful and hopeless, or even worst, want to die. Initially, calm down yourself and recall some happy or past successes in your life included during the competition and success that you desired. When you are recalling, of course, the sad moments of the competition will make you more depressed and emotional. Then, you will keep on asking yourself, â€Å"Why am I so stupid?†, â€Å"I should have done that† or â€Å"Why did I do that?† as these are negative questions that make you feeling negative. Now, you look for way and opportunity by telling yourself, â€Å"Yes, I can restart. I shall prepare for the coming next competition. I will try harder this time.† Hence, you will feel relief and happy and able to stand up again. Some events such as competition have second round but some events seem like no hope such as lost of family member. However, no matter how, there is always hope and you should forget the past and face the future happily. This is because your family member wants you to continue your life happily. Firstly, you need to think positively by accepting and loving yourself. If you treat, judge or criticize yourself too cruel, you are lowering down your self-confidence. You should accept, be thankful upon what you have and feel proud of yourself, as there is meaning and value beneath it. Then, you should love yourself by taking care of your health, relaxing, awarding yourself when you have done well and advising yourself if you failed. Hence, you are feeling happy, good and positive with yourself. That is, you have your self-esteem and self-confidence. The most common negative view about oneself is the physical look, that are, not beautiful, not charming, fat body, too short, small eyes or flat nose. You must not compare yourself with others because it is a bad habit where you will forget what is good about you as you comparing you poor criteria with others will put yourself at the weak end. As a result, you will lose your self-confidence. (2 Know Myself 2007) Refer to Dr Sandra Scott, you must not chase after unattainable ideals but feel comfortable with the shape you are. (BBC UK 2007) According to Dr. Joe Rubino, accepting and being grateful of what you have, you can eliminate the feeling of incompleteness and dissatisfaction and peace your inner self towards confidence. Secondly, you also need to think positively about the predicted outcomes. People who are lack of self-confidence are tending to predict the negative outcome before they start doing anything although the reality is not that bad. (Mitchell 2007) You must focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses. For instance, you want to take part in the competition. Before the competition started, because of certain obstacles such as difficulty or feeling threaten by competitors, you predicted that you are not going to win the competition. The reality will not be worst as if you think if you have tried. There are some people claimed that by thinking positively, they even worst, that is, they failed and by thinking negatively can be more successful than thinking positively. These are explainable because they are too focusing on thinking instead of concentrating on what they were doing and they are some people who can use negative thinking to stimulus and challenge themselves. For example usi ng self-talk, â€Å"I am scare to lose† or â€Å"You have to do it or you will regret†. Actually, thinking is your mental preparation before you start to do something. (USA Swimming 2004) Before you start your ‘engine, thinking is the fuel to the ‘engine; hence, you have the power to work for your goal as mental preparation provides you with confidence. As soon as you start, you must concentrate on making your goal alive. Furthermore, you can generate positive thinking by listen and witness positive materials. (Zaak OConan 2005) You can see and model others successes can enhance self-confidence. (USA Swimming 2004) You can read from books and articles about success people, watch their performances and identify their hard work. That would be your idol. From them, you are not ask to intimate them but be motivated and inspired by them. Hence, you can improve your self-confidence. The second way to improve your self-confidence is believing in yourself. That is, you need to think that you have the good in yourself. Hence, you figure out your abilities, strengths, intelligence, achievements or special skills through your interest. (Raudsepp 2007) The lack of ability does not necessary mean that you are lack of self-confidence. (Densky 2006) Therefore, you must believe and discover that you have something more special and powerful than others do, as every human is different. (The National Womens Health Information Center (NWHIC), US 2007) There is no one will always be the best. If you believe that â€Å"I can† and not â€Å"I can not†. If you believe â€Å"I am losing†, â€Å"I can not do this† or â€Å"I am out†, then you are really out as it is sure that you will not succeed. You must believe that you can be the best of you too. As you believe in yourself, hence, you must know yourself by discovering who you are on your own as no one can understand more than you do. This is mean that you are being independent in improving your self-confidence. You are on your own and not controlled and influenced by other person on what you do and unwilling to be under others obligation. (Hawkins, Swannell Weston 1998, pg346) You can be yourself and do what you want to do without having to wait for others approval. (Rybakov 2007) You do not have follow what others say or do, or let others create you, but you refer and create it in yourself with your own way. You do not have to be someone else although you admire to be that person. You can not force yourself or forced by others to make you become a person. You can be about something of your own. You can discover yourself by involving in community events, clubs and society in school or college or meaningful activities such charity or help someone. (Roker 2004) You will feel à ¢â‚¬Ëœcontained, useful and have hopes to live. You also realize that your life is meaningful. As you believe in yourself, you must be assertive as you are sure about your judgments and you have you own opinions and thought. Therefore, you must be able to voice out your opinions to others. You should not let anyone treat you like a doll, taking and playing you around. If you know that you are fooling by others and you are very angry, you should not keep and cry inside of you because you scare to let them know your real feeling. As you being assertive, you are able to express your feelings and desires non-aggressively to let other knows. (2 Know Myself 2007) You assert in what you want and do not want, you do not hide yourself in the behind, you step up to pursue your desire. In addition, there most common expression that most people are afraid of is saying â€Å"No†. If you are sure that you could not do, tell them â€Å"No, sorry, I cannot do it†. Another way to improve your self-confidence is setting realistic goals. Realistic goals must be achievable, neither too high nor low. The goals must meet your expectation and demand. Before that, you should understand your ability and create a reasonable standard for yourself. You cannot be good in everything. Too high standards or expectations will gradually weaken ones confidence and have self-doubt. In contrast, too low standards may cause one to be over-confident as he or she will of course feel so easy to reach his or her goals which make he or she think that â€Å"I am the best.† (Stevens 2005) It is no good for you to be perfectionist who likes to set impracticable goals or high standard that hard to achieve for himself or herself and ends up self-confidence being degraded. (2 Know Myself 2007) A perfectionist will say â€Å"I want everyone to love me†, â€Å"I can not make any mistake† or â€Å"I want to be perfect†. (2 Know Myself) You should know that no one is perfect in this world. People will lose their confidence if their goals are not achieved. Hence, you can try to follow on your abilities, strengths, decisions and express yourself as confidence comes from you when you being the best of you and not being others. (Coan 2005) In fact, make good use of your talents and abilities, set your own achievable goals and concentrate in whatever you do. (Wix 2003) As you know what you can do best, you choose to become the â€Å"master† of your strengths by mastering the art of focusing your power in the most worthy rather than being perfectionist. From noth ing, you increase your strengths which your self-confidence is improving too. (Swindell 2007) Again, another way to improve self-confidence is learning. In order to have self-confidence, you must be willing to learn from experience and new things and keep on learning. Self-confidence does not come immediately as you have to learn. You will not always be the same that is why you need to enhance yourself. Self-confidence is fragile, hence, you learn to maintain it. This can be illustrated by knife which you need to sharpen it sometimes so that you can cut better and easily. For example, you have learned and practice to dance, hence, you can dance gracefully. Then, you stop and dance again after sometimes. You will not dance as graceful as last time but if you willing to learn and practice again, you will dance well again and if you keep on practicing, you even become better and better. When you learn well, you have understood what you do and you do not feel doubt or fear to do it as you have the confidence to do it already. Although you have learn well a skill, you must not stop instead you practice to maintain and develop it. You need to learn forever. Specifically, you learn from experiences such mistakes, failures, criticisms and successes. Failure always makes ones feel lack of self-confidence. Failure will cause ones to feel. A self-confidence person learns more by making a lot of mistakes and failures. He or she does not scare of failure instead accept the failure and identify the reason of your failing. Failure is able to develop you and help you to explore the outer world. You are failing when you give up.(Rybakov 2007) As you make more mistake, you have learn more by trying again and becoming better with confidence then you will get what you dream for. (Rybakov 2007) When your family members or friends criticize you, you do not have to feel disappointed. You evaluate the critics, identify whether the critics are true. If it is true, accept and learn from it, and change it. If it is not, you can show them their mistakes of criticizing you. You also must be innovative, that is, willing to learn new things such as new skills and knowledge. People who are self-confident will not scare to try new things instead like new challenges. As the world is changing rapidly, many things are changing too especially results of great invention and development of science and technology. Hence, we also should go with the trend and change to adapt to the new environment. As every new things or events come, our self-confidence will be lower because we do not know how to deal with them. Therefore, you should learn to handle them by developing yourself with new skills. In addition, you must be able to take risk as challenge, regardless big or small and the results, the process improves your self-confidence. (Zaak O Conan 2005) For instance, consider you do not know how to ride a bicycle and you want to ride the bicycle. You need to learn to balance your body when riding the bicycle. Of course, when you learn to balance, you will fell for num ber of times before you can ride the bicycle well. Here, you must not scare to fell, scare of pain as you take them as challenges. Self-confidence is the inner self-management towards reality and positive of oneself and the world. People who are self-confidence have positive thinking, understand whom and how they are, trust in themselves, achievable goals, personality and strong will for development. We can maintain and build up our self-confidence by having favourable perceptions about ourselves and everything around us, conviction on your judgment and evaluation, hold on own self-concept, appropriate and real missions of life, and non-stop studying about life to increase standard of yourself. Self-confidence gives your power to live meaningfully. Self-confidence drives you to your dreams of successes. Although, self-confidence does not guarantee success, but, at least you have try to pursue what you wish for, and therefore, there is no regret at the end of your life. Therefore, close your eyes, think who you are and what do you want in your life, fill up your confidence and go after your dreams as time goes by fast and will not stop for you. On the other hand, you must know how to balance your confidence as do not have too much self-confidence, that is, overconfidence which may lead to failure too. It is improving and repairing your self-confidence, and not boost it up high. Reference Hawkins, J.M., Weston, J Swannell, JC 1998, The Oxford Study Dictionary, Oxford University Press, Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn Bhd, Shah Alam. Stevens, TM 1998, Self-Confidence: Our Expectation of Success, You Can Choose To Be Happy, Wheeler-Sutton Publishing Co. Chapter 6: Self-Confidence, United Stated Swimming. Retrieved: November 16, 2007, from Coan, G 2005, Become More Self-Confident Retrieved: October 24, 2007, from Densky, A.B. 2006, Self-Confidence, What Is It And How Do I Get It? Neuro-Vision. Retrieved: October 27, 2007, from Improving confidence, BBC Relationship, The British Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved: November 16, 2007, from Kent, M 2007, The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science Medicine: Sports Science Medicine Information About Self-Confidence, The Oxford University Press. Retrieved: November 8, 2007, from Lopper, J 2007, How to Think Positively: Break the bad habit of negative thinking. Retrieved: November 16, 2007, from Mitchell, S 2007, Counseling Services: Suicide Prevention Training (QPR): Self-Confidence, State University of New York at Buffalo. Retrieved: October 24, 2007, from Raudsepp, E 2004 Strong Self-Esteem Can Help You Advance, The Wall Street Journal: Executive Career,, Dow Jones Company, Inc. Retrieved: November 17, 2007, from The National Womens Health Information Center (NHWHIC), U.S. 2007. Retrieved: October 28, 2007, from Rybakov, E 2007, Self-esteem guide: Improve Your Self-Confidence Through Mistakes And Failure. Retrieved: November 18, 2007, from Roker, MM 2004 Ten Empowering Tips For Your Teen. Retrieved: October 24, 2007, from Rubino, J, n.d. Definition: Building Self-Confidence. Retrieved: November 8, 2007, from Self-Confidence: Building Self-confidence, 2 Know Myself 2007. Retrieved: October 27, 2007, from http// Signs of Self-Confidence, 2 Know Myself 2007. Retrieved: October 27, 2007, from http// Swindell, G 2007, The Voice of Change: Developing Your Self-Confidence. Retrieved: November 17, 2007, from Wix, DG 2003, How To Build Your Self-Confidence After a Layoff. Retrieved: November 8, 2007, from Zaak OConan, 2005, Boost Your Confidence: How to Succeed At Being Yourself. Retrieved: November 16, 2007, from